Scioto Crossing Park Association
Board of Directors
John Sharpe (Estates)
Jose Vega (Estates II), Secretary
Daniel Poorman (Estates III), President
Laura Monteith (Reserve)
Ammar Salameh (Reserve), Treasurer
Please use to e-mail the Board.
Mailing Address
7850 Scioto Crossing Boulevard
Dublin, Ohio 43016-7275
Clubhouse and Pool Hours
Clubhouse and Gym: 24 Hours
Capacity for the gym is limited to 3 people at a time.
Pool: Closed for the season.
The Clubhouse Meeting Room is available for use by Residents, on a limited basis. Click here for more information and to make a reservation.
Notice of Meeting of Board of Directors
Regular Meetings
Regular meetings will be held in even numbered months on the 3rd Monday at 6:30 p.m.
2022 Meetings: 2/21, 4/18, 6/20, 8/15, 10/17, 12/19
Starting with April 2020, Board Meetings will be held via video and phone conference.
Unit Owners who have questions or concerns for the Board, should submit their questions to the Board in advance of the meeting. You may find that sending an e-mail to the Board in advance of the meeting allows the Board the opportunity to prepare a more thorough response to your concerns. Unit Owners who would like to participate, attend via Google Meet or phone:
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 347-467-6414
PIN: 258 266 001#
Meetings via approved electronic means are permitted pursuant to Bylaws § 4.09(e) and Ohio R.C. § 5311.08(4)(a). Each member of the Board can hear, participate, and respond to every other member of the board via this meeting technology.
Monthly Assessment
Effective January 1, 2022, the monthly assessment will be $54.00/mo. per unit. This amount is collected by each of the 4 associations and paid to the Park Association monthly. The current budget is available below:

Clubhouse Keyfobs
You must register your keyfobs to gain access to the Clubhouse and Pool, when they are reopened. To register your keyfobs, please fill out the form to the right, or at this link, or you may print and return this form by mail.
Clubhouse Keyfobs cost $6 each.
To purchase a replacement keyfob, please e-mail your request to and mail a check, payable to "The Scioto Crossing Park Association" to:
7850 Scioto Crossing Blvd
Dublin, Ohio 43016
Keyfob Policies
When the Association reopens the Facilities, only properly registered keyfobs will be activated.
Unit Owners shall not be permitted to register more than 2 keyfobs without written approval from the Board.
Unit Owners are prohibited from allowing anyone to use a keyfob who is not a resident of the Association, or in attendance at the facility with a resident.
Neighboring Associations may request authorization to activate keyfobs for use by their agents and managers to hold meetings and conduct business, each such authorization shall be reviewed and approved by the Board.

2020 Financial Statements

Pool Rules

Gym Rules

Meeting Room Rules
Parking Rules
The two Park Association parking lots on Scioto Crossing Boulevard and Essex Gate Drive are primarily for use to access the clubhouse, and reasonable use by members.
Overnight parking is prohibited, and vehicles left overnight may be towed and impounded.
